Friday, October 28, 2011

A Witches Tea Party...Enter if you DARE!!!

WeLcoMe tO my
HaLloWeEn TeA
WitChEs & SPooKs! 

pLeASe cOMe & SiT 
WiTh Us aNd maKE 
yOurSeLF at HOme!!!

gRaB a CuP of TEA...


I hOPe YoU don'T MiNd
the DeCor hErE ....or sHouLD I
saY DeCoRPse?

ShOUld yoU NeEd mOrE
TeA jUst aSk FRanKie to FilL 
YouR Cup.

ISn'T thE WeAthEr LoVEly
ToDaY for ouR TeA?!

I tHinK so.

DoN't Mind oUr GhOuly gOSSIP...

.....BuT we cAn't HElp but tAlK
aBout POOR poor 
WiTCHie Poo!
Did YoU Hear?

sHe FeLl inTO heR 

Easy ~ Chocolate cupcakes and green frosting w/ Wilton bones sprinkles and pretzel stick

oR MaYbe sOMeonE or SoMEThIng
PuSHed HeR!

HoW DreaDFully WonDerfUL

Do YOU know what happened to Witchie Poo?????

SHe mElTed rIGhT up!!
EverytHIng, thAt is, but HeR FINgERs!!

Breadsticks with Wilton Green Food Color Spray and Almond Nail painted Red

NoW wHo oR whAt WouLD 
EVer dO sUCh a ThInG!!!!



HoPE yOU haVe a
BOO-tiFul HaLLoWeEn!

ThaNks foR sToPPinG By
anD ThaNk You to OUr 
WiTchIE HoSTeSS at
FroStEd PeTunIAs!! 

YoU MuSt VisiT heR HERE!!!

ThE otHER WiTChie PoSts
CaN be FOunD by cliCKinG
HERE....iF YoU DARE!!!!! 

Sharing Witchie Tea With:
 Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday Sumo's Sweet Stuff Made by You Mondays Making the World Cuter Mondays Motivate Me Monday Joy of Desserts Dittle Dattle Amaze Me Monday Jam Hands Recipe Share Monday Mangia MondaysTUESDAY Crazy for Crust Confessions of a SAHM Delicious Dishes Cupcake Tuesday Let's Do Brunch Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday Topsy Turvy Tuesday  Handmade Tuesday  Tasty Tuesday Tip Me Tuesday  Time Out Tuesday  Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAY Cast Party Wednesday Lil' Luna Ginger Snap Crafts Wonka Wednesday Whatever Goes Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Look What I Made Wednesday What I Whipped Up Wednesday Let's Do Brunch Whatever You Want Wednesday Wow Me Wednesday This Chick Cooks Gooseberry PatchTHURSDAYArtsy Girl Sweet Treats Thursday Sweets This Week  Thursday Show Your Stuff House of Hepworths Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAY: Tidy Mom Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday Bacon Time Friday Party Sweet Tooth Friday Show and Tell Friday It's a Hodgepodge Friday Weekend Wrap Up Flaunt it Friday  Sassy Sites Friday Fun  Fridays Unfolded Food on Fridays Friday Flair Foodie FridayWEEKEND Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet Sundays The Girl Creative   Sundae Scoop


Lisa said...

Soooo cute Trish! I am into the straw used for the witch stockings - now that is clever. And the little girl and boy ghosts at the end are beyond adorable. Can't wait to see what everyone else is up to. Takes me forever to visit all the parties but it is so much fun. BTW - expecting up to 8 inches of snow here tomorrow. Whaaaaa, halloween weekend!

Barbara F. said...

Trish this is fantastic! Very bewitching and wickedly fun!! Happy Halloween xo

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Hi Trisha
An ingenious witchy tea, so many ghoulish treats.

MsFoxsSweets said...

So much fun...I love it all!

AutumnWind said...

Wonderful! I had such a great time.

Victoria said...

Mmmmm, that cupcake was delicious, thank you!

Victoria from Brushstrokes

Paula said...

You are so much fun and so wonderfully creative. Love all your tea treats and that pumpkin is amazing! Happy Halloween!

Anonymous said...

Your treat look delicious even in goulish decoration, fun, fun! Hope you can come to my tea,

Unknown said...

Lots of super cute Halloween treat ideas!

Linda said...

Oh my goodness, What a wonderous party you had. The tea was delicious and so were the sweet treats. I had so much to eat that I think that I'm ready to burst, but before I do please visit my party:

Chrislyn said...

This is the cutest post! I love the way you made the treats really come to life. I will have to remember not to turn my back on the cauldron! You never know---

Have a Magical Halloween!

Celia said...

Such a fantastic tea party!! Thank you for having me over....

Cathy said...

Oh how much fun your tea party must have been. You had such cute guest!

Cathy' Cupboard Calamity

debi said...

Beautiful tea many wonderful photos!

Happy Halloween!

LYNDY WARD said...

Salutations, your Blog, Creations & PICs are Enchanting. Thank you for sharing all your Magickal Treats.

This is my favorite time of year when magic is in the air & beautiful black cats are every where. Please fly by my Halloween Party when you can...

Hauntingly Yours,
Lyndy & All My Black Cat Familiars

Princess Diana's Wedding Ring Giveaway & Haunted Halloween Party ~ This is a gorgeous multiple crystal ring & can be used as a Magickal Dowser...

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Oh my, I LOVE all the cupcakes!! You do works of art, Trish!! What fun party ideas!!! Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan@southernjunkin' said...

Soooo booolicious!! The tea party is perfect! Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed it! Visiting from from Seasonal Sundays...

Pink Piccadilly Pastries said...

This is awesome Trish!! Such a creative post, love it!!! Have a fun Halloween!! Jina

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

I had a great time and your cupcakes were delish! Come on over for some tea & treats when you get a minute.

Happy Samhain,

Notes from the Homestead said...

Happy Halloween! I just loved this post Trisha, it totally sets the mood for the day!!! How very wickedly creative you pretty! hahahahaha! (insert witch cackle here) Lol!

Angela McRae said...

I just KNEW you would be the queen of Halloween sweets and you did not disappoint! Fun!

paperbutterfly said...

I would love any of those sweets with my cup of tea.
How creative and yummy they look.
Look forward to sharng these sweets with others this week at Teapot & Teacup Tuesday.


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