Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Magic Jelly Beans and the Lollipop Garden (Pudding Treats)

 This idea is something super fun and 
magical that would be great to incorporate into
an Easter/Spring family tradition. 

I saw an idea using "Magic Jelly Beans & a Lollipop Garden"

I was really inspired and thought it was a cool concept.

I knew I had to adapt the idea into an edible craft treat.

Magic Jelly Beans & 
The Lollipop Garden Pudding Treats

First pick out your jelly beans....

Give them a wish and a kiss.

Now they are MAGIC jelly beans.

Next, mix up your "soil".
I used sugar free pudding and crushed up 
a bunch of Oreos, a few left over brownies and some
chocolate wafer cookies. I just used what I had on hand. 

Then, put it into your "pots"

I did put a piece of wax paper over the bottom hole in the pot.

But only fill half way! 
You still have to plant your 

Now, make a quick wish, and blow them a kiss.

Then put more soil on top of your beans.

Add some "dirt" which might be more crushed Oreos. these somewhere special (wink wink)
to rest overnight and see what MAGICALLY APPEARS!

 WOW...look whats growing.....
some grass and....

Before morning, you will help make the "MAGIC"
for your kids but adding some green colored coconut for 
the newly grown grass and a fun lollipop or two on top!!! 



How cool. 

Here are the basic supplies I used, but you can 
certainly adapt any way you want. I could
see using a chocolate cupcake in place of the pudding.

Small Terra Cotta Pots
Wax Paper (I used a small amount for the bottom of the pots)
Sugar Free Pudding
Oreos, Brownies or any Chocolate Cookie
Magic Jelly Beans
Green Food Coloring to color the Coconut
Fun Lollipops
 A Kiss and a Wish

If you make these treats or plant the magic beans
outside or incorporate your own twist on this idea,
I hope you are inspired to create a new family tradition. 
Sharing magic beans with....

Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday Sumo's Sweet Stuff Made by You Mondays Making the World Cuter Mondays Motivate Me Monday  Dittle Dattle Amaze Me Monday  Mangia Mondays Mix it up MondaysTUESDAYTrick or Treat Tuesdays Crazy for Crust Confessions of a SAHM Delicious Dishes Cupcake Tuesday Let's Do Brunch Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday Topsy Turvy Tuesday Handmade Tuesday Tasty Tuesday Tip Me Tuesday Time Out Tuesday Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAYMrs Fox's Sweets Party  Lil' Luna Ginger Snap Crafts  Whatever Goes Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Look What I Made Wednesday What I Whipped Up Wednesday  Whatever You Want Wednesday Wow Me Wednesday This Chick Cooks THURSDAYTastetastic Thursday Sweet TemptationsTablescape Thursday Artsy Girl Sweet Treats Thursday Sweets This Week Thursday Show Your Stuff House of Hepworths Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAYPinterest Party Fun Stuff Fridays Freestyle Fridays Tidy Mom Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday Bacon Time Friday Party Sweet Tooth Friday Show and Tell Friday It's a Hodgepodge Friday Weekend Wrap Up Flaunt it Friday Sassy Sites Friday Fun Fridays Unfolded Food on Fridays Friday Flair Foodie FridayWEEKEND Show and Tell Saturday Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet Sundays The Girl Creative 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Memories of Tea Time

I have quite a few fabulous recipes and photos to share 
for Tea Party Tuesday waiting in the 
archives of my computer. 

But this week, that is where they are going to stay. 

I have just been a little more sentimental than 
my normal "cry at the Hallmark commercial"
sentimental these days. When editing some photos
for a tea time dessert, I found myself going thru and 
looking at all the tea time photos of Sophia Rose. 

I forgot how often we had "tea" when she was
real little. Those memories flooded me with emotion.

I collected some of my favorites for today. There were hundreds!

Here is a trip down memory lane for Tea Party Tuesday.

I guess this post is more for me that you so I hope you don't mind!

It all started here...

At one week old I was so scared to leave the house with 
her!! My mom came up for a visit from Nebraska and forced
me out of the house. The only place I would take her was
the Mad Hatter Tea Room. It was a place of peace for me then
and continues to be a place of joy now.

The very first place I changed her diaper outside of the 
house was in the bathroom at the Mad Hatter!

How about a Tea Party with Big Bird? 

Big Bird was messy so he needed a bib
with his teacup and sweets! 

A Diva in Tea Training.

I was always ready for a game of 
pretty dress up and would stop anything
I was doing for an impromptu Tea Party.
The girl in back was a sweet neighbor girl, Libby.
She LOVED to come over for tea with Sophia and I.  

Look at the little Birthday Princess here!
The following are pictures of the party we had when she was 4.

Her Dad and I served these lovely girls.
"Tea", Pink Butterfly Bologna Sandwiches, Fruit and Carrots

Here was the Teapot Cake I made.

Man oh man oh man have I come a long way...
I laughed SO HARD at
the construction paper spout and handle. I was so afraid of
fondant back then.  In all honesty, I was so proud!

Here is my sweet husband James all decked
out in his tuxedo, serving his princess!  

She has a few things to smile about!

Tea with our Nana Jan is some of the 
best memories ever. 

My lovely likes cream with her tea!

Tea time does not have to be fancy all of the time.
Nutella on toast with a fancy powdered sugar stencil and 
watermelon in a pretty cup with your favorite tea can really
be just what you need to start the day!

There is NO reason you can't take your 
Tea Party outside with a fun story cubes game!


Look Mom..I set up a tea table for YOU!

One of our MANY visits to the Mad Hatter.
I had SOOOOO many photos of us there! 

Quiche is another favorite
at our house. 

More tea time memories with Nana!!

This past summer I took these photos. We
are having "Tea under a Tree" in our front yard.

 I collect things.....

I collect tea cups
I collect tea pots
I collect recipes for tea parties
I collect ideas for fun desserts 

But my real motivation for all of this is to 
collect the one thing that is most precious to me.


Sharing with some special people:

Thank you for joining me for Tea! Link up whatever you have..just join the fun but PLEASE link back here somewhere on your blog. It is also important to try to visit some of the other links. It is so nice to receive a comment from a new visitor so spread the love!! Enjoy your fabulous week and PLEASE take the time for TEA. Hugs, Trish

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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Carrot Patch Cookies

Carrot Patch Cookies

I found this idea on Pinterest
and the original source is from Family Fun
which you can find the easy instructions HERE!!

I know these have been done around
blogland but I just thought they were so 
cute and had to make them too!

Happy Sunday!

 Sharing with..
Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday Sumo's Sweet Stuff Made by You Mondays Making the World Cuter Mondays Motivate Me Monday  Dittle Dattle Amaze Me Monday  Mangia Mondays Mix it up MondaysTUESDAYTrick or Treat Tuesdays Crazy for Crust Confessions of a SAHM Delicious Dishes Cupcake Tuesday Let's Do Brunch Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday Topsy Turvy Tuesday Handmade Tuesday Tasty Tuesday Tip Me Tuesday Time Out Tuesday Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAYMrs Fox's Sweets Party  Lil' Luna Ginger Snap Crafts  Whatever Goes Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Look What I Made Wednesday What I Whipped Up Wednesday  Whatever You Want Wednesday Wow Me Wednesday This Chick Cooks THURSDAYTastetastic Thursday Sweet TemptationsTablescape Thursday Artsy Girl Sweet Treats Thursday Sweets This Week Thursday Show Your Stuff House of Hepworths Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAYPinterest Party Fun Stuff Fridays Freestyle Fridays Tidy Mom Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday Bacon Time Friday Party Sweet Tooth Friday Show and Tell Friday It's a Hodgepodge Friday Weekend Wrap Up Flaunt it Friday Sassy Sites Friday Fun Fridays Unfolded Food on Fridays Friday Flair Foodie FridayWEEKEND Show and Tell Saturday Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet Sundays The Girl Creative 

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Cake School Giveaway


This had to be one of the most profound things
anyone has ever said about me. 

I do like my flavor of acceptance. 

Inspired by one of the MANY tutorials at My Cake School

Living with a brain tumor, has it's ups and downs. 
It has taken a long time for me 
to find acceptance sweet.

Or to add the sprinkles for that matter. 

But after hearing those words recently, 
I realized that I do CHOOSE to live my life 
each day with a cherry on top.


And after I thought for awhile and especially since it has already been a year since I started this blog, I realized that a big
part of my flavor of acceptance comes from following
my passions which include creating and writing Sweetology.

This, along with the inspiration I have received reading 
so many other great blogs has really sweetened my life! 

Someone that was very instrumental in helping me realize my
my love for cupcake art was Melissa at My Cake School.

Joining her online school was one of the best things
I did to grow my confidence, skills and spirit. 

I would like to give that to someone else. 

To enter the giveaway for a My Cake School
1 year Membership just leave a comment below.
For another entry leave a comment to tell me you follow
on Facebook and/or Twitter, each separately. 

Winner chosen via and will be 
announced on April 1st.

Now, go do something that makes you happy. 

Even if the ice cream you have in life is not your
favorite flavor, just remember to always 
savor the SWEETNESS. 

A big thank you to My Cake School

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sugarlicious Winner

The winner of the Sugarlicious
Giveaway went to, Susan @  

Susan is a real sweetie who is very talented, just look!


Check out her sweet blog and tell her Congrats!



Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring Tea Party Tuesday ~ Butterfly Cupcakes and Inspiration

Welcome to a Spring inspired
Tea Party Tuesday!

A special mention to Sandi at Rose Chintz Cottage
who is hosting our Spring Tea this week!

 "The butterfly counts not months but moments 
and has time enough." ~ Tagore

"Butterfly, you dance on the wind with grace,
knowing not the dangers you face.
Happy and whimsy you glide so high.
Butterfly, be lost in the deep blue sky."
~Sophia and I

Pound cake petit four covered in poured
fondant with a delicate fondant butterfly accent.

"Living is not enough, said the butterfly, one must have 
sunshine, freedom and a little flower" ~ H. C. Anderson

Chocolate cupcake with Chocolate buttercream &
decorated with fondant accents. 

"Just like the butterfly, I too will awaken in my own time"
~D. Chaskin

I made these sugar paper butterflies
using edible sugar wafer paper and a paper punch.
They attach to the cup with a dab of karo syrup
and melt in your tea for a whimsical accent.  

"If nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies."

Happy Spring Tea Party!

Many of my recipes can be found HERE on my Recipes Page

Sharing with: 

Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday Sumo's Sweet Stuff Made by You Mondays Making the World Cuter Mondays Motivate Me Monday  Dittle Dattle Amaze Me Monday  Mangia Mondays Mix it up MondaysTUESDAYTrick or Treat Tuesdays Crazy for Crust Confessions of a SAHM Delicious Dishes Cupcake Tuesday Let's Do Brunch Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday Topsy Turvy Tuesday Handmade Tuesday Tasty Tuesday Tip Me Tuesday Time Out Tuesday Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAYMrs Fox's Sweets Party  Lil' Luna Ginger Snap Crafts  Whatever Goes Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Look What I Made Wednesday What I Whipped Up Wednesday  Whatever You Want Wednesday Wow Me Wednesday This Chick Cooks THURSDAYTastetastic Thursday Sweet TemptationsTablescape Thursday Artsy Girl Sweet Treats Thursday Sweets This Week Thursday Show Your Stuff House of Hepworths Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAYPinterest Party Fun Stuff Fridays Freestyle Fridays Tidy Mom Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday Bacon Time Friday Party Sweet Tooth Friday Show and Tell Friday It's a Hodgepodge Friday Weekend Wrap Up Flaunt it Friday Sassy Sites Friday Fun Fridays Unfolded Food on Fridays Friday Flair Foodie FridayWEEKEND Show and Tell Saturday Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet Sundays The Girl Creative 

Thank you for joining me for Tea! Link up whatever you have..just join the fun but PLEASE link back here somewhere on your blog. It is also important to try to visit some of the other links. It is so nice to receive a comment from a new visitor so spread the love!! Enjoy your fabulous week and PLEASE take the time for TEA. Hugs, Trish

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Lucky Charm Candy Bark Treats

Do you want to make some
Lucky Charm Candy Bark Treats?

Thought so!!

So here is what ya do.

Get some of this...

Melt it.

Stir in a bunch of this...

Spread to desired thickness on wax paper and 
let harden before breaking apart in delicious pieces.




Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday Sumo's Sweet Stuff Made by You Mondays Making the World Cuter Mondays Motivate Me Monday   Mangia Mondays Mix it up MondaysTUESDAYTrick or Treat Tuesdays Crazy for Crust Confessions of a SAHM Delicious Dishes Cupcake Tuesday Let's Do Brunch Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday Topsy Turvy Tuesday Handmade Tuesday Tasty Tuesday Tip Me Tuesday Time Out Tuesday Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAYMrs Fox's Sweets Party  Lil' Luna Ginger Snap Crafts  Whatever Goes Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Look What I Made Wednesday What I Whipped Up Wednesday  Whatever You Want Wednesday Wow Me Wednesday This Chick Cooks THURSDAYSweet TemptationsTablescape Thursday Artsy Girl Sweet Treats Thursday Sweets This Week Thursday Show Your Stuff House of Hepworths Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAYPinterest Party Fun Stuff Fridays Freestyle Fridays Tidy Mom Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday Bacon Time Friday Party Sweet Tooth Friday Show and Tell Friday It's a Hodgepodge Friday Weekend Wrap Up Flaunt it Friday Sassy Sites Friday Fun Fridays Unfolded Food on Fridays Friday Flair Foodie FridayWEEKEND Show and Tell Saturday Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet Sundays The Girl Creative Sundae Scoop Pink Saturday
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