On Friday we set off for an amazing adventure
to Alaska with some wonderful, good friends.
We are very excited!
I am writing this blog post as a tribute to someone
that I have watched these past few months do
some pretty amazing things...........
She got an early Birthday Gift this weekend....her Ski Team Jacket! |
Yep, that is my girl. My Sophia!
She is a Ski Racer.
In November, I can honestly say she could barely
get off the chair lift. She was falling down the green hills
every few minutes and she was pretty frustrated.
This was her FIRST trip up the chair lift in November...her 3rd time on skies in her WHOLE LIFE! |
But that girl has spunk.
She has spirit.
And NOTHING gets the best of this girl.
So...she hung in there. And fought for what she wanted.
She leaned on some great friends for support. Because that is
what a true friend does....lifts you up when you need to lean.
She decided to join the "D-Team" which is the downhill
ski racing team. Her Dad and I didn't doubt for one minute
she could do whatever she wanted. She has the best spirit.
Well...let me tell you something. This girl went from falling down
the green hills to RACING down the black diamonds.
And she kept a WINNING attitude.
She got up when she fell.
She smiled.
Sophia Rose, you have NO idea how proud
your Dad and I are of your strength and courage.
You can truly do anything.
We love you so much!!!
Here is Sophia at the Championship race doing
the Giant Slalom Course on the LEFT
at her personal best time of the season.
So it is so fitting that we end the ski season with the most
amazing trip of a lifetime, to go ski the slopes in ALASKA!
To take a day and go dog sledding!
To laugh with good friends!
Relax and enjoy life!
Plus...it will be her birthday while we are there.
Sophia gave herself the best present ever this year.
It did not cost us one dime.....(well excluding her ski gear :)
It did not come wrapped in a shiny package.
It came wrapped as COURAGE.