Hi ladies!
Tea Party Tuesday this week is going to be
short and well...savory! Truth is, I'm tired!
We got a new puppy this weekend.
Ruby Mae
She is so cute, but having her around is
like having a new baby! So if you have any
SAGE advice on dog training, PLEASE leave me a comment.
Don't ask...it is a LONG story. Truth is, I needed
something to smother and cuddle.
SAGE advice on dog training, PLEASE leave me a comment.
Don't ask...it is a LONG story. Truth is, I needed
something to smother and cuddle.
So this week, I will share something easy, quick
and oh so tasty!
These would go GREAT with a nice slice
Don't forget to enter the Egglands Giveaway
by clicking HERE!
The giveaway closes on the 29th!
For the Dill Scone Bite Recipe click HERE!
I am reading my first Tea Shop Mystery
by Laura Childs, Death by Darjeeling, and
I just LOVE it. In fact, I brewed up a warm
cup of Harney and Sons Darjeeling just to
really get the full effect, HA! Do you like Cozy Mysteries?
If so, any favorites to put on my list?

Guess what!?!
I am so excited. I need some family around me so bad.
Well, I hope you have a great week. I am excited to share
some fun St Patrick's Day inspired treats this week.
Sharing with....
Martha's Favorite TeaCup Tuesday
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
Tea Cup Tuesday at Artful Affirmations
Tuesday Cuppa Tea at Antiques and Teacups
Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday Sumo's Sweet Stuff Made by You Mondays Making the World Cuter Mondays Motivate Me Monday Dittle Dattle Amaze Me Monday Mangia Mondays Mix it up MondaysTUESDAYTrick or Treat Tuesdays Crazy for Crust Confessions of a SAHM Delicious Dishes Cupcake Tuesday Let's Do Brunch Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday Topsy Turvy Tuesday Handmade Tuesday Tasty Tuesday Tip Me Tuesday Time Out Tuesday Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAYMrs Fox's Sweets Party Lil' Luna Ginger Snap Crafts Whatever Goes Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Look What I Made Wednesday What I Whipped Up Wednesday Whatever You Want Wednesday Wow Me Wednesday This Chick Cooks THURSDAYTastetastic Thursday Sweet TemptationsTablescape Thursday Artsy Girl Sweet Treats Thursday Sweets This Week Thursday Show Your Stuff House of Hepworths Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAYPinterest Party Fun Stuff Fridays Freestyle Fridays Tidy Mom Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday Bacon Time Friday Party Sweet Tooth Friday Show and Tell Friday It's a Hodgepodge Friday Weekend Wrap Up Flaunt it Friday Sassy Sites Friday Fun Fridays Unfolded Food on Fridays Friday Flair Foodie FridayWEEKEND Show and Tell Saturday Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet Sundays The Girl Creative Sundae Scoop Pink Saturday
Oh yum- great recipe!
So happy for your sister to be coming to you for a visit, there's nothing like a sister hug!
Enjoy yourselves, have fun!
Where do I begin? The scones look like something I would LOVE, so I will be whipping some up very soon. You have just discovered what women do when their youngest child starts growing up...
Zee Dog.
And they ARE just like a baby in the house. Every time I would take puppy Nellie outside to go potty, when she did it I immediately gave her a puppy puff treat. You have to do it right after they go, not when they get back inside. Within like two days Nellie got the idea, but she is very food driven like her human mother. Despite the work involved, you are going to LOVE this experience and it will be so great for Sophia. Congrats, and um, hang in there...
No wonder you're tired with a darling new puppy! They take a bit to settle down, don't they? The teacup is lovely and the scones look delicious! I copied the recipe. How nice your sister is coming. Have a wonderful visit!
I know I'm going to love these, I LOVE DILL! They look so delicious!
Have fun.
Oh fun to have your sister for a visit!! Hope you have a wonderful time. Those Dill Scones look yummy!!
Oops, forgot to say...congrats on getting your doggy. xoxo
Thanks for hosting! The scones look delish! Such a cute puppy! I am sure he is keeping you super busy!
Your dill scones look yummy! I like the idea of adding the egg.
I have a weakness for puppies and because of it, I have three dogs! I've found the best way to train them is to not let them leave your sight! Unless you must go somewhere of course, and crates are good for that. But the more time you invest with them, the better companion they will be.
Have fun!
Hello Trisha,
Well, well, well...we're on the other end of the spectrum - ready to be pet free. This one looks like a keeper though - I have such a soft heart for animals! Crate training does wonders for house training and you can find some great advice through this woman who has a show called, 'Its Me or the Dog' great title isn't it! I know I have one of her books somewhere - will check for you! Get some rest and I love dill so will definitely try this recipe! Thanks for hosting, hugs,
Oh, your new puppy is adorable and yes, they are a lot of work! Your little scones look yummy. So nice to have a visit from your sister this week. Thanks for hosting and take care!
Blessings and hugs,
Yummy! Your puppy is too cute and yes, they can wear you out. Thanks for hosting and relax a little. Have a serene week?
Oh yeah, forgot... you'll be fine with your dear sis going to visit you. Great!
Hi Trisha
A puppy! How exciting, and they are like having another child in the house - even Topaz at 8 is still like a little boy.
I've read quite a few of the Tea Shop mysteries and am reading 'Shades of Earl Grey' on my ereader right now. Light, but fun, makes one want to have a tea shop of their own.
I hope you have some good bonding time with your sister; make her lots of treats!
Awww love your puppy! What a cutie! I am going to try the scones, they sound delightful! I am reading Scones and Bones (just started it) so far so good. Happy Tea day!
CUTE Dog! You will have a busy day to day now..lol.
I am so happy your sister is coming for a visit! Go Have a BALL!
I love the Diane Mott Davidson mysteries!! )I think that's her name?). The main character is a caterer! It's like reading the food channel, but with murders....hm, that doesn't sound quite right does it!
Your puppy is adorable! I bet Sophia is just tickled. Have a great time with your sister. xo
I'm so sorry that you are dealing with bad news.
Maximus (my dog) says hello to your new puppy Ruby Mae and we both think that she is adorable. Your scones look delicious and I'm happy for you that your sister is coming to help you bear your bad news.
OMG!! That is such a cute puppy. She is absolutely adorable. I am sure she is giving you lots of cuddle time :) Hope you have a great weekend with your Sis. Funny - my sister is visiting this weekend too. I am also excited to see her. The scones look great! Hope your week gets better!
The dill scone bites look delicious! Thank you for hosting!
OMG she is so flippin' cute!!! I love puppies. Well, not speaking from experience. I've never had a puppy. We got our dog at 5 years, so she was "trained" if by "trained" you mean does what she wants when she wants and not when you ask. :)
You are so right about the puppy/baby thing ... but it's worth it. The recipe sounds wonderful and what a gorgeous tea cup!
your new puppy is adorable!!! our napa pup was 11 and she recently passed away :( she was the best pup ever. Hubby has been talking puppies but i'm not there yet...but seeing your pup may motivate me!
Yummy looking scones and one cute puppy! Training can be hard, consistency is key, they learn by repetition...stick with it, dogs make life wonderful.
Hi there.... I've just been reading your latest recipe, sounds yummy!
A new pet is a lot of work, but definately worth it. They become a part of the family so quickly.
have a lovely day x
Cute puppy! So delicious looking scone, tempting pics. Hope you have a wonderful time with your sister!
I LOVE dill! Your puppy is too cute. Enjoy your sister's visit and last, but not least ... lovely teacup! I enjoy cozy mysteries and found a new series that I like ... the White House Chef mysteries by Julie Hyzy. Hail to the Chef is the first one in the series. Happy Tea Day!
P.S. I was wrong ... State of the Onion is the first book in the White House Chef mysteries!!!!
Ruby Mae is absolutely adorable! That coloring is beautiful. Puppies are full of love, aren't they? Enjoy her. Take care, Trish. I said a prayer for you today.
God bless, Beth
Oooo! Trish! How exciting that you've started the Laura Child's tea series. I am planning to download my first one on my Nook as a treat in March. Kathy at Delightsome Life is enjoying them, too. I just finished a series about Beatrix Potter - plenty of scenes with tea and scones to be had there - and though I have much about me to read, I am open to a new avenue - this series sounds Tea-lightful!
Oh! I like that word - "tea-lightful" - I'm afraid there's a post in that somewhere . . .
Hi Trisha - Congrats on your new addition, Ruby Mae, she's so sweet. Have a wonderful visit with your sister...thanks for hosting and thanks for the yummy scone recipe share! Cheers ~ Mary
Oh, the puppy is so cute. I have two bits of puppy training advice. When you are trying to get the puppy to go to the bathroom outside, give her a small treat when she goes on the grass. She'll catch on quickly. If she goes in the house, pick her up swiftly and get her outside. Don't yell or rub her nose in it. Dogs learn quickly with positive reinforcement. The other bit of advice is concerning separation anxiety. My dog used to go nuts when we left him alone. He hated going in his metal crate. We got him a plastic crate which he liked better and fill a Kong (a rubber toy with a hole in the middle) with hot dog. He is super excited to go in his crate when we leave. He spends time getting the treat out of the Kong and by that time his belly is full and he is calm enough to just go to sleep. We have another dog now and used these techniques with her and she was house broken in three days and has always been happy to go in her crate.
You dill scones look delish. Have a great visit with your sister and enjoy cuddling with the puppy.
Beth @ Hungry Happenings
Hi Trisha,
such a puppy is a good thing when you feel down. It makes a lot of fun and to cuddle it makes a happy heart... and tired. LOL
I hope you find your happiness back with the little dog and your sister.
The savory cookies look great.
Best greetings, Johanna
Ruby Mae - your are such a beautiful furbaby!!! ~ Congrats on the new addition to your family. A furbaby adds so much joy. Our little Dolce has no idea he is a doggie ...
So happy that you will have your sister visiting... sometimes a hug and smile from loved ones makes the days much easier.
That is a yummy recipe you are sharing today ... and your teacup is so pretty... Hugs my friend.. wishing you a beautiful and bless filled week- xo HHL
Your puppy is adorable. I have two chihuahua's and they can be a handful at times but I love them to pieces. She is begging for attention right now as I am writing you this note lol I hope you get caught up on your rest and enjoy your time with your sister. Your dill scone bites look delicious and I love your teacup. Thanks for hosting. Blessings,
The dill scone bites look wonderful! But even more---what an adorable puppy!!! Have fun with the newest member of your family---and enjoy your sister time! Sisters are the BEST!
Oh wow, what a cutie!! I know what that new puppy training is like! Don't worry, it gets easier! Xox
Oh wow, what a cutie!! I know what that new puppy training is like! Don't worry, it gets easier! Xox
Trisha, your new little addition is darling. She will bring so much joy and happiness to you and your family, I am sure. May I ask her name? What breed is she also? I recently got a puppy too - a black cocker spaniel, I've called him Harper. I am very new the the whole puppy thing too, and whilst at times I found it incredibly daunting and to some degree difficult, it has also been a wonderful experience and he is such a joy to have a round. I hope your little baby will bring to you the same enjoyment and love.
What a cutie!! I just linked up my Ruby Cake, which I declare is now in your puppy's honor. And the dill scones look just awesome.
What a darling puppy! We crate trained our black lab and it worked great! She actually liked her crate(security blanket), but we haven't used it in years now(too big for our bedroom:)), and she is THE BEST, sweetest dog ever!
Your new puppy is SOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!
Oh my, that puppy is adorable! A golden? I grew up with them, they're such great family dogs. I've got advice since you asked, we're definite dog lovers. Crate training is just nice for the pet, I really recommend it, all my pups have really liked their crate. Plus if we went on vacation or when we moved, the first thing we would do is put a treat and water in their crate, so they have a safe place away from the bustle and something familiar. And if friend's kids come over who aren't nice to dogs, you can lock your dog with a crate in their place and she'll be grateful. Also, to piggy-back off the house-training comment, not rubbing their nose in accidents is important. We repeated a word when our pups went outside...something odd that wouldn't get said a lot, like "giddyup" or "toodle"...always something fun for a kid to come up with... anyways, then when they were done they got a treat. With diligence, our pups learned that word as a command to squat and go. That way on vacation or just a cold winter day, we could say "c'mon pup, giddyup" and she'd go and be done on command. Worked great. Oh, and bitter apple spray works great for teething puppies, it can go on little kids' hands and houseplants and everything!
Oh my, that puppy is adorable! A golden? I grew up with them, they're such great family dogs. I've got advice since you asked, we're definite dog lovers. Crate training is just nice for the pet, I really recommend it, all my pups have really liked their crate. Plus if we went on vacation or when we moved, the first thing we would do is put a treat and water in their crate, so they have a safe place away from the bustle and something familiar. And if friend's kids come over who aren't nice to dogs, you can lock your dog with a crate in their place and she'll be grateful. Also, to piggy-back off the house-training comment, not rubbing their nose in accidents is important. We repeated a word when our pups went outside...something odd that wouldn't get said a lot, like "giddyup" or "toodle"...always something fun for a kid to come up with... anyways, then when they were done they got a treat. With diligence, our pups learned that word as a command to squat and go. That way on vacation or just a cold winter day, we could say "c'mon pup, giddyup" and she'd go and be done on command. Worked great. Oh, and bitter apple spray works great for teething puppies, it can go on little kids' hands and houseplants and everything!
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