Banana Chocolate Malt Shakes
I would be LYING if I said I had a
real recipe for this but, truth is, I don't.
I put a couple of questionable bananas in the blender
& heaped in a LOAD of chocolate malt powder, a LOAD.
Next, I sprayed in a LOT of chocolate syrup and
to stay "healthy" added some SKIM milk.
Then some ice went in and I pushed PUREE'
It tasted SO SO SO SO SO GOOD.
Of course drinking it out of these
shot glasses and dipping our marshies
and eating our chocolates, added the amazing
WOWIE factor to this experience.
Try it, you will be so glad you did!
Right click, copy and paste
to make your own printable image!
Going Bananas over these GREAT blog parties:

You are just too stinkin' cute!!
You are sooo Bananas! Love you to the moon!
Very sweet!
BOY does a banana smoothie shake sounds GOOOOOOOOD right now.
I laughed out loud at the "questionable bananas."
Too funny!!!
Well that's the cutest ever. Save that puppy for when he forgets saying it :)
Hi Trisha
Did you print if off too? Could be nice framed over your desk.
oooh i'm so bananas over that smoothie!!! yummylicious!!!
So cutee!
x susan
Awww, that's soooo cute!
I can't try it....WAAAAAAAAH!!!
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