Thursday, July 28, 2011

Roses for a Friend~A Lesson in Following Your Heart

Let me tell you about one of the neatest 
ladies I friend Nicole.
Beauty, huh?
She is an amazing mother of two
 BEAUTIFUL little princesses.

 And that's not all...

You can also add sensational actress, singer, choreographer, dancer and theatre 
growing list of attributes.

Plus, she is one of the most compassionate, kind hearted friends I have ever had.  

We are neighbors and that 
makes me pretty darn lucky.

Many of us can relate that as we start our families, raise our young children, hold down a job and try to make our significant others, 
family and friends happy, we often lose sight of our own passions for the sake of others.
It is not bad, not good...just is. 

Nicole recently took a leap of faith and rekindled her passion for theater by taking part
in a local production of Kiss Me Kate.

The performance was nothing short of AMAZING.

Of course she STOLE the show.

I am so proud of her!!
I felt like a gloating parent as I got 
goose bumps and tears when she came on stage.

This is a good lesson in remembering that 
we do not have to give up on our bliss. 

We need to learn to strike a balance within our own minds and the guilt we place on ourselves as wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends 
needs to be lifted...

Watching my friend follow her bliss lifted my spirits.

On a day when they needed some lifting.

Everyone Wins. 

 Following my bliss with:
Tablescape Thursday

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I am Baking for a Cure - DIY Cupcake Kit!!

I love it when bloggers use their 
talents and the power of social networking 
to make a difference in the lives of others.

My very good friend Lark 
is hosting an online bake sale
to raise money for the Susan G Komen
3 day Race for the Cure

I have donated the following DIY Cupcake Kit! 

DIY Cupcake decoration kit.
This includes: 1 dozen cupcakes, buttercream or chocolate frosting, Wilton 1M decorating tip, 1 piping bag and 1 dozen Fondant Butterfly toppers.

*You choose either Vanilla or Chocolate Cupcakes & Frosting Flavor*

To check it out click HERE!

I am also excited to be guest posting at
on August 3rd!!

Come read my story and learn how to make the cutest PB&J cookies ever seen on planet Earth...EVER!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Peach Hat Pies ~ Tea Party Tuesday

Hi Tea Friends!

Hope everyone had a GREAT weekend.
I am continuing my "work"
through the most recent issue of
Tea Time Magazine!


I am most excited to share with you these
lovely, whimsical and EASY

Summer Peach Hat Pies!


Unlike the divine but fussy Strawberry Chiffon from last week, 
these mini pies where a BREEZE to make and 
tasted so wonderful!

For a printable recipe click HERE!

There is also a link on my recipes page.

SUMMER HAT PEACH PIES (4 individual pies)

4 canned peach halves, drained and patted dry
2 tsp brown sugar
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 T butter cut into 4 equal pats
1 (14.1 oz) package refrigerated piecrusts (2 sheets)
1 large egg
1 tsp water
4 small edible flowers to garnish

Preheat oven to 425

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Set aside.

Fill each peach cavity with1/2 tsp brown sugar, ¼ tsp cinnamon, and 1 butter pat. 
Press firmly to pack filling. Set aside. 

On a lightly floured surface, unroll pie dough sheets.

Using a 4 ½ inch round cutter, cut 8 circles from pie dough, reserving scraps.

Using rolling pin, roll 4 circles into 5 inch rounds. Set aside.

 Place remaining 4 circles on prepared baking sheet.
Carefully invert a peach half (so that filling does not fall out) on the center of each circle on baking sheets.

Using fingers lightly moisten edges of circles with water. Top each with 5 inch circle.

Press pie dough lightly to mold to the peach, and them press edges of pie dough together.

Using a chopstick, press dough together to create texture for the brim of the hat.

With a sharp paring knife, cut vertical and then horizontal slits across the rounded surface of the hat.

(This vents for steam to escape as the pie cooks as well as provides texture to look like a hat)

Using dough scraps, cut long strips to form band for the base of the brim of each hat

Trim excess dough where ends of band overlap

In small bowl, combine egg and water, beating well. Brush egg wash over surface of each hat

Bake until lightly browned, 8-10 minutes.

Remove to wire racks to cool
Garnish with edible flower where pie dough overlaps.

So sweet they are.......

Official Tea Time Taste Tester Sophia Rose says....

It's a winner Mom! 

Do you see the little teacup in the photos above? 

This little teacup is a recently caught my eye as I thought the delicate blue roses were so unique and I LOVE the pedestal!

But my favorite part of this cup is the handle....

I appreciate this handle for many reasons.
For one, it made me think of the phrase...

"Square peg, round hole"

Ya....I can relate little cup!!

I hope you try to make these easy little pies and if you do, 
let me know how you liked them! 

I plan to make these for a large tea I am hosting the end of August. 

I will be sharing tea and peach hat pies with: 


 Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday Sumo's Sweet Stuff Made by You Mondays Making the World Cuter Mondays Motivate Me Monday Joy of Desserts Dittle Dattle Amaze Me MondayTUESDAY Delicious Dishes Cupcake Tuesday Let's Do Brunch Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday Topsy Turvy Tuesday  Handmade Tuesday  Tasty Tuesday Tip Me Tuesday  Time Out Tuesday  Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAY Whatever Goes Wednesday Wow Us Wednesday Look What I Made Wednesday What I Whipped Up Wednesday Let's Do Brunch Whatever You Want Wednesday Wow Me Wednesday THURSDAY Sweet Treats Thursday Sweets This Week  Thursday Show Your Stuff House of Hepworths Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAY: Tidy Mom Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday Sweet Tooth Friday Show and Tell Friday It's a Hodgepodge Friday Weekend Wrap Up Flaunt it Friday Delicately Constructed Friday Sassy Sites Friday Fun  Fridays Unfolded Food on Fridays Friday Flair WEEKEND The Girl Creative  This Chick Cooks Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet Sundays Sundae Scoop

Now I am excited to see what YOU are bringing to Tea!


Thank you for joining me for Tea! Link up whatever you have..just join the fun and PLEASE link back here somewhere on your blog. It is also important to try to visit some of the other links. It is so nice to receive a comment from a new visitor so spread the love!! Enjoy your fabulous week and PLEASE take the time for TEA. Hugs, Trish

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Watermelon Gazpacho - A Guest Post for Lark's Country Heart

Hi there!

I am guest posting over at 
Friday with this amazing...

Lark's blog is fantastic you have to check it out!
To visit me and say hello click HERE!


Eating Gazpacho with:
Tidy Mom

Monday, July 18, 2011

Strawberry Chiffon Dessert for a Tea Party!!

Even at 35 years old I still want to 
make my parents proud.

I really wanted to make something SPECTACULAR 
and AMAZING for everyone in Nebraska.

When I found this recipe for 
Strawberry Chiffon Dessert
in Southern Living March/April 2009 I thought...
aaaahhhh haaaaa, I have a WINNER!

Not so much........

Don't get me wrong, it tasted DIVINE and was 
absolutely BEAUTIFUL, however there were a few 
things that made it a ROYAL pain 
and thus is not on my list to do again anytime soon.

I followed the recipe to a T, but when I was making the 
top layer the egg whites just would not stiffen for me.

I had to beat those eggs FOREVER.....and EVER.

I even enlisted some help from James and 
this was AFTER my Mom and sister pooped out!!!

Then, following the instructions where it says, freeze 4 hours to overnight, I placed the cake in the freezer and 
boy oh boy did it FREEZE.....12 hours later we had 
to use a JACK HAMMER to cut it apart.

So then I had a GREAT idea to just let it "thaw" a bit.


Then you are left with the top layer melted into a mushy 
pile and the bottom layer is still hard as a ROCK.

Maybe you have some ideas??

My Dad actually had a great one...
"precut" the slices before you freeze it.
Not sure if it would solve the problem, but worth a try.
Despite it's challenges, it was quite tasty and pretty. 


For a printable recipe click HERE. 

Want to see something else that is really PRETTY?

 I was able to take some AMAZING
pictures of my Mom 
and several of her teacups, that is, 
when I wasn't trashing her kitchen 
and breaking her knives cutting my rock cake.

How priceless!!! 

Ya know...not everything works out PERFECTLY.

Sometimes you have ROCK HARD cake days.

But with kindness, compassion and SMILES
life can remain pretty SWEET!

If you haven't VOTED for my 
Lilac Cupcake 
that was picked to enter Sweetopia's 
Sweet of the Week Contest...please click HERE. 


I link up to many great blogs and parties each week.
To find the links please click HERE!

I will be sharing Tea and Fussy Chiffon Dessert with:


Mouth Watering Mondays, Melt in Your Mouth Mondays, Mingle Monday, Made it on Monday , Sumo's Sweet Stuff  Made by You Mondays , Making the World Cuter Mondays , Motivate Me MondayJoy of Desserts TUESDAY Delicious Dishes , Cupcake Tuesday , Let's Do Brunch , Tempt my Tummy Tuesday Mandi's Tasty Tuesday , Topsy Turvy TuesdayHandmade Tuesday , Tasty TuesdayTip Me Tuesday  Time Out Tuesday  Get Your Craft On WEDNESDAY Whatever Goes WednesdayWow Us Wednesday, Look What I Made Wednesday , What I Whipped Up Wednesday , Let's Do Brunch , Whatever You Want Wednesday , Wow Me Wednesday THURSDAY Sweet Treats Thursday , Sweets This WeekThursday Show Your StuffHouse of Hepworths , Brambleberry Cottage FRIDAY: Tidy Mom , Inspiration Friday Feathered Nest Friday, Sweet Tooth FridayShow and Tell Friday , It's a Hodgepodge Friday , Weekend Wrap Up , Flaunt it Friday , Delicately Constructed Friday , Sassy Sites Friday Fun  Fridays Unfolded , Food on Fridays , Friday Flair WEEKEND The Girl Creative  , This Chick Cooks , Sweets for a Saturday So Sweet SundaysSundae Scoop

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I woke up this morning 
to a GREAT surprise!

The lovely and talented Marion over at 
SWEETOPIA has included my Lilac Cupcake
in her Sweet of the Week Contest!!!

Click HERE to vote!!

This cupcake was made in honor of my mom for her retirement.  To see the original post click HERE.

I absolutely ADORE Marion's creations and her 
amazing blog. She is one of the BEST cookie and cupcake artists I have ever seen and it is quite 
an honor to be included in this contest.


See you tomorrow for Tea Party Tuesday!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Happy Bastille Day ~ A Fondant Macaron

I must confess that I wish I lived in Paris.

I am a closet "French-Anything" Junkie.

Just take a walk around my house and 
gander at my pinterest boards.

I could NOT let French Independence day 
go by without a nod to the culture that 
makes me swoon and smile on a regular basis.

Not to mention provide the inspiration for 
many sweet indulgences.

Say for instance the famous Macaron.

I want to make these soooooo bad, but I am CHICKEN.

I compromised with my baking anxiety 
and made one out of fondant 
with a sweet little mold I found on etsy.  

I love etsy....and paypal....and teacups and sweets...
and big fluffy pink Paris poodles 
and saying "Oh La La"

Ask my husband and daughter, I say "Oh La La" a lot.

~~ Oh La La ~~

Happy Bastille Day!

Eating Macarons with:

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Bright Side

Guess is not perfect.

 (Edible writers on fondant inspired by a cartoon I saw HERE.)

But we always need to remember to look at the Bright Side.

We are teaching our daughter this important skill.

I think we are doing a GREAT job.

(She is gloating her win at The Tea Party Game)

Life is short, stay on the Bright Side!!

Enjoying the Bright Side with...
Hoosier Homemade ~ Cupcake Tuesday  
Someday Crafts ~ Whatever Goes Wednesday  

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tea Party Tuesday ~ Stuffed Dayliles

Good Day Tea and Baking Friends!!

I am getting the Tea Party started early again this week as we are driving back to Minnesota today and I go back to work on Tuesday.
I had a GREAT time in Nebraska!!

This week I would like to show a LOVELY and
unique way to serve your tea time spreads...

In Daylilies!!

This idea came from the May/June 2006 issue of Tea Time that 
I dug out of my Mom's archives!

Isn't this just a delightful idea?

I whipped up some herbed cream cheese and an herbed butter and then used boursin cheese spread I bought at the store.

Of course my Mom's garden was happy to lend a few daylilies for this whimsical presentation! 

The original TeaTime "recipe" actually indicated that you could EAT the daylily with the herbed cream cheese spread inside as a "sandwich" but I don't think I would be a fan of that approach, however, we served our afternoon tea time 
spreads in these flowers and it was a 
fabulous splash of color and worked fantastic! 

I LOVE going through her old magazines...
it is like a wonderful treasure hunt!  

I always find new and inspirational things to bake and 
whimsical tea time information and tablescapes.  

I bounced around my Mom's house snapping several photos of her amazing tea things this weekend.

I would like to share with you the teacup that started it all...

My Mom reminded me this weekend that this was the very FIRST teacup I bought her.  I was still in graduate school and lived in a tiny apartment in Anoka, MN. My place was within walking distance from the Mad Hatter Tea Room and a bunch a 
GREAT antique shops. 

When she would come to visit we would meander through these stores and from there we began our collection of 
tea things and priceless memories. 

And finally a heartfelt CONGRATS to 
Kathryn Ross from The Writers Reverie
who won the lovely covered pink teacup!!
 Please go check out her lovely blog and say hello.

I am excited to see what YOU are bringing for Tea today!!

I am sharing Tea with these great blogs:

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