Monday, July 4, 2011

Tea Party Tuesday with Strawberry Lavender Scones

Happy Tea Party Tuesday!

I hope everyone had a super 4th of July. 
I took some much needed time off and 
enjoyed my family very much!

This week is going to be GREAT..we are going HOME to Nebraska and my sister from Arizona is driving there as well with my niece so all THREE girls will be "home"!! 

Please include my sister and niece in your prayers this week for safe travels on that long car ride!

Paula, Marla and Me!

I am also so excited to go strawberry picking with 
Sophia this week! All the farms are ready with their fields
overflowing with big, juicy, delicious strawberries!

We have gone every year since she was 2 and it is always a fun and relaxing way to spend a few hours. 

If you love strawberries as much as we do, you might find these scones the PERFECT accompaniment for a light afternoon 

Strawberry Lavender Scones

The strawberry and lavender combination is 
amazing in these light delicious scones! 

Adapted from Tea Time Jan/Feb 2009
 2 1/2 cups sifted bread flour
1/4 cup plus 1 T sugar
1 1/2 T baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup chopped fresh strawberries
1/2 cup finely chopped toasted almond slivers
1/2 cup + 2 T heavy cream, divided
3 tsp culinary lavender
2 1/2 T honey

Preheat to 400. Line baking sheet w/ parchment paper.

Whisk flour, sugar, baking powder, salt, baking soda together.  
Add the strawberries and almonds and toss gently.

In small bowl, microwave 1/2 cup cream on HIGH in 30 second intervals until cream simmers. 
Add lavender to cream and steep for 5-7 minutes, strain.

In separate small bowl, mix together the honey with the lavender infused cream and pour mixture into the flour mixture and combine just until dough comes together (will be sticky)

On floured surface, roll dough out to 1/2 inch thickness. 
Using cutter (2 inch square works well) cut scones out and brush tops with remaining cream.

Bake 12-15 minutes or until light golden brown. Cool slightly
For a printable recipe click HERE 

Because I am such a sucker for trivia and I LOVE learning
new things...I have included some fun facts 

  • Strawberries are the only fruits with seeds on the outside.
  • In 13th century France, strawberries were once thought to be an aphrodisiac and were served in soups to newlyweds.
  • Strawberries are a member of the rose family.
  • It takes strawberries 3 days to complete their cycle of turning from green to white to red.
  • There is a museum dedicated to strawberries in Belgium.
  • Strawberries are not berries or fruit at all, but enlarged ends of the plant's stamen.
  • The most famous public eating of strawberries is at Wimbledon each year, when strawberries and cream are consumed between tennis matches by properly attired English.
  • California is the only state in the Union that grows strawberries outdoor all year round.
  • For the best flavor, strawberries should be served at room temperature.

I would like to show this lovely teacup this week

I recently purchased this little cup because I found the pale green color very unique and a nice compliment to my growing collection!

Would YOU like to grow YOUR teacup collection? Enter my giveaway from HERE! 

I am so excited to see what you are bringing to the Tea Party today!
I will be having Tea and Scones with these blogs:

Now it is YOUR turn!!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Amethystmoon said...

those look so yummy! I have a blog hop to breathe new life into your old posts. I'd love for you to come link up! Life Music Laughter

I'm a new follower

Barbara F. said...

Have a safe and wonderful trip! Pick lots of strawberries (I see luscious strawberry cupcakes in your future!). These scones look melt-in-your mouth good! The teacup is a beauty. Take good care xo

Tea & Chocolate Guy said...

It must have been the week-end for strawberry picking and home made goodies. Thanks for sharing this recipe ... may have to give it a try this week, if hubby doesn't eat all the berries before I get to them. The colour combination of your newest treasure is beautiful! I would not have been able to resist it either!!

Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers for safe travels .. may the Travel Angels guide you safely on your journey to and fro... hugs, HHL

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hello Trisha,
Oh my, strawberries and lavender in one scone; what a treat! They look wonderful and your teacup is adorable! I love the delicate shade of green with those posies. Enjoy this week with your family. Time with your loved ones is so very precious.


Marie said...

Hi Trisha - I'm joining you for the first time this week! Wow, first I want to say that those strawberry scones look sinfully goooood! Second, love the color of the teacup you's my fave color. Thanks for hosting and happy Tea Tuesday!

Trisha said...

Those scones look delicious! Wish I was eating one right now!! Hope you had a great 4th of July!!


♥ Miss Tea said...

oh Trisha! i absolutely adore tea scones and those strawberry and lavender scones are mouthwatering! thanks for the recipe, i gotta try and make it! I adore your rosina teacup, my fave is always teacups with floral design on it! I wish you, your sister and niece a safe journey home! i wish i could visit my family and hometown but oh well...have a lovely time picking strawberries!!


Lisa said...

I am intrigued by the idea of lavender and strawberry. It sounds heavenly. If Sophia is anything like my kids were, she will eat almost as many as she picks! Have a wonderful time picking and visiting family - you've captured the essence of summer with those two activities!

Terri said...

How wonderful that you will be with family! Doesn't that just make summer perfect?!

I love your "Bill" cupcake. That is so adorable!

Your Rosina rose cup is beautiful. I love the gold trim, it really adds to the elegance of the cup.

Anonymous said...

From Your Mom...Can't wait to have all those I love the most on the face of the earth under my roof. Drive safe and the light will be on until you all arrive. Good times, good food, good company and lots and lots of laughs. Love U
PS Don't forget your apron & measuring spoons just in case the spirit moves you to whip up a batch of these yummy scones. I even cleaned my oven for you....

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Hi Trish - those scones look yummy! Love the teacup too! Have a lovely day. (Love message from your Mum!)

Kathy said...

I sure do hope everyone gets there quickly and safely so you'll have a marvelous time! It is always wonderful to get together with family. I love adding Lavender to recipes - it is a little difficult to find here - but, I found a source! So I will be trying this recipe - Strawberry season has ended in my corner of the world - loved bringing my children to the fields to pick - especially when they were little enough that they really didn't have to bend down far - time flies by too fast - Beautiful teacup - just love the pale green color! Wonderful post -
I hope you're having a blessed day,

Kathy said...

Stopping by once again to thank you for sharing this wonderful post with A Return to Loveliness!
God Bless,

Kateyed said...

That is a beautiful cup. I am new to this and loving it. Stop by if you have time.

Kateyed said...

Thank you, Trish,
I wish it were mine. Maybe someday! Thank you for the information. I will be sure and show my mother-in-law!!!

kitty@ Kitty's Kozy Kitchen said...

Love the recipe for the scones & the beautiful teacup!

Celestina Marie said...

Hi Trisha,
What a beautiful tea cup. I love the shade of soft green. The combo of strawberry and lavender has to be so delicious!!
Thank you for sharing the recipe. Also have a wonderful time with your family. Enjoy every minute.
Prayers for the travelers.
Hugs from Texas, Celestina Marie

Anonymous said...

Trisha - Thanks for visiting John & Abigail's Uncle Sam Tea - and what a treat that you'll be posting some gluten free tea treats soon. I experiment a lot - some I tough it out and eat anyway - sometimes I hit the jackpot! I'm going to play around with a bread pudding made from the bread bits left over from my cut-out treats in the Uncle Sam Tea. I'll let you know how it turned out - and if it did, you'll see it in a post at my next tea party!
Miss Kathy

MsFoxsSweets said...

Happy Tuesday! I have linked up my Strawberry Pink Lemonade Mini Cupcakes. Love the info you shared with us about strawberries!

LV said...

Enjoy your family visit and think of me when you are eating those good strawberries.

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Praying for a safe trip and that you will all have a wonderful time together. Enjoy!

That teacup is a lovely addition to your collection, Trisha. :-) We love strawberries too at our house. Love strawberry scones.

Beth said...

Trisha, Your scones look fabulous! I love the tea cup; the floral pattern resembles Old Country Roses. Thanks for sharing this lovely post. Have a great vacation!

Mrs. V said...

Your scones look absolutely delish. How can you go wrong with strawberries? The little teacup is precious too.

Wanda Lee said...

Dear Trisha,

What a delightful post all about the delights of Lavender, strawberries and family time!

We do pray for a safe journey and a wonderful time!

Thanks for joining me for TTTT and also for my 90th, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'!

Hugs, Wanda Lee

Jacqueline said...

What a beautiful scone. The flavor combination just sounds heavenly. I have some lavender sugar that I made in the fall, I should try making these with it. My mouth is just watering over these delightful goodies.

Anonymous said...

Your recipe looks so good. I would love it if you came over to my party "Cast Party Wednesday" today and shared some of your recipes with us.
I hope to see you there!

Concetta said...

Dear Trisha,
Mmmmm....your recipe looks delicious! So many extraordinary recipes and posts today! Thank you for hosting and have a wonderful day!

Trish said...

Hello Trisha,
my goodness your recipe sounds fabulous!
Strawberry and lavender together-it must be a wonderful flavour!
Your teacup is very pretty too.
Thank you for linking to LACE and leaving such a beautiful comment.
I can assure you that the Lord is using you to touch lives too :-)
Many sweet blessings to you in Jesus..Trish

Two Minute Takes said...

Lovely looking scones, love the combination of strawberry and lavender. Getting curious as to just how many beautiful china tea cups and saucers you do have!
God's speed and safe travels to your sister and niece.

Angela McRae said...

The strawberry and lavender sounds like a unique combination, so thanks for this recipe!

KimMalk said...

Your scones look wonderful. I'd love to have some right now :).

Martha said...

Those scones look so yummy and I love those little watermelon treats in the next post! Great job!

Cranberry Morning said...

What an intriguing combination: strawberries and lavender! I use my home-grown lavender in my handcrafted soaps and once used it accidentally in a chicken recipe when it called for rosemary (they do kinda look alike!), but this sounds to interesting. The photo is beautiful and makes those scones look so appealing! Then again, I love scones, especially with fruit in them! Found you on 'The Girl Creative.' :-)

Barbara Neubeck said...

Hi Trisha,
Your recipe sounds wonderful. the flavour combination is intriguing.
God Bless
Barb from Australia

CHAYAN said...

It is very pleasure to know many things from your blog.

April @ The 21st Century Housewife said...

Oh what lovely scones! They sound so light and delicious, and I love that you have used lavender in them. Thank you for sharing them with Let's Do Brunch. I hope you have a lovely visit with your family!

Chef in Training said...

Yum! These look amazing! I featured you on my blog today for Mouth-Watering Mondays! Come check it out and feel free to grab a featured button! Thanks!

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