Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Very Special and Personal Cupcake Post for Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday ~ It has been cool and rainy the past two days in Minnesota and even though grey is seen as a drab color to some, it carries a special meaning for on to find out why.

May is National Brain Tumor Awareness Month

Did you know the ribbon color for brain tumor awareness is...


Each year in the United States, more than 21,000 adults and 1,500 children are diagnosed with non-malignant and
malignant primary tumors that develop in the brain.

Brain tumors can be fatal, but with early diagnosis and state-of-the-art treatment, many non-malignant and some malignant tumors are curable.

Long-term survival rates are as high as 95% for some types of nonmalignant tumors and 80% for some tumors that are malignant.

I found it quite fitting that recently I happened upon the bundle of pink tulips you see above.  Each year the National Brain Tumor Association sponsors a fundraiser called "Tulips for Tumors" where the money derived from the purchase of tulip bulbs benefits this wonderful organization.

For more information, or to be inspired click HERE.

This is the face of brain cancer.

I don't look sick do I?  That is because I am a fighter.
Some people see my edgy, sassy self as a character flaw...
I see it as the reason I am still here today.

Most people would never even know. 
I don't show, "sick" on the outside.
I won't let my illness and the medication I have to take drag
my life away from me or cause me to lose one second of time
doing the things that bring me joy.

I fight for these people.

.....and all my family.

I have lived with this for several years and have managed some high highs and low lows. This past winter was a difficult time for me.  I was lost, sad and struggling for answers and felt very sorry for myself and at times those feelings still overwhelm me, like now as I write this post.

It seems crazy but I found my way to cupcake decorating which led to this blog and now I am expressing in words and pictures the love I have for this art.

I have also rekindled my passion for taking tea
and collecting teacups, teapots and all things pretty. 

I fancy myself much like one of my vintage teacups. 

Delicate and unique but able to stand some HOT HOT water.

I am sure some of you readers have experienced struggles,
times when you are wondering how you will pull through....

My only advice is taken from Joseph Campbell ~ and that is, follow your bliss.

Following ones bliss is not easy.
There is no security in following the call to adventure

Mr Campbell is an interesting philosopher, sociologist and mythologist..but frankly, I just like some of his quotes. They make me think...hard.

Like is quote, "Opportunities to find deeper powers within ourselves
come when life seems most challenging."  Yes, I get this one for sure!

Who do YOU want to be? 

Is there something that you have been wanting to do?

In the words of Joseph Campbell....

As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm....
It is not as wide as you think.

~ This is my life in a very special cupcake and teacup post.

**For those of you interested in the cupcake design ~ I used fondant imprinted with an impression mat and sprayed with pearl luster spray. 

I absolutely LOVE these mats:

I have them in my Sweet Boutique and they are certainly a Fast and Fancy way to dress up your cupcakes. Just roll out your fondant and place impression mat over fondant and roll again. 

Lift up mat and cut fondant to desired shape.  It is THAT easy.  When using these mats I always get so many compliments on their intricate designs.

People marvel over my "talent" and I have to chuckle.....because it is so easy.

To find them click HERE and go to page 13.  


Paula said...

Your strength amazes me daily. I'm so proud to call you my sister. I'm truly proud that you found the cupcake world. Because of you, Jocelyn has been enjoying her life in cupcakes and has an outlet for her ups and downs. Because of you, I am able to live vicariously through you and share in all your proud moments. Because of you I am able to see my life through a different perspective and truly appreciate the gentleness of each human spirit. Because of you I am stronger, better and see a future full of opportunities. ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! I love you Trisha! Simply put, you are truly a philosopher yourself.

Barbara F. said...

Trisha, I am so touched by this post.......and have tears in my eyes, too. God bless you and your family. I also believe that each one of us who "blogs" was brought here for a reason, to share or to learn. Keep doing what you do Trisha, as you do it so beautifully and with such grace, and thank you for sharing this with us. Blessings, Barbara

Unknown said...

Oh my thank you both. Yes, this a personal post but I needed to write this. It has been stirring in me for awhile and with May as Brain Tumor Awareness Month I felt it was a great time. Hugs.

Unknown said...

Hi Trish...
Amazing post. The cupcakes being imprinted like that look (if you blur your eyes a little) like pearly little brains. So it is fitting.

You are beautiful, as well as your family. Inside and out. Instead of wallowing, which I am sure there are days that does happen, you are living life and sharing with others.

Thanks for sharing and my prayer list just got a little longer!

p.s. I may be trying the gum paste next weekend!

Unknown said...

If these words are spelled incorrectly it is due to the tears running down my face. I am the lucky one to have found a truly loving, giving, strong, beautiful,woman to call MY FRIEND! Thank you for being YOU. For not letting the little, yes I mean LITTLE stepping stones in this life make you want to take the elevator. For each step you climb the easier the steps in front of you become. And I for one know you are a Warrior! I havent known you long, however this short time has made MY life a lot brighter! I love your sassy smart ass! :)

Glennis said...

Wow, this is an amazing post. My thoughts are with you in your courageous struggle. And I am full of admiration at how you carry on with such grace.

Have a blissful Pink Saturday!

Wendy Beran said...

As I have told you before, you are a wonderful mother and you can see you in your daughter Sophia. You have done an obviously marvelous job with your relationship with her. It is obvious that you love and cherish each moment and you ARE talented. A talented friend, mom, sister, wife, daughter and I'm sure much much more.

Manni said...

Thank you Trish for sharing this with us! You are a fighter and you are very lucky to have family and friends by your side. I've only known you a short while but you've changed my life with just one post. I'm the lucky one to have someone like you. There was this instant click with you, its like your cheerfulness just poured right of the post to me!!! thats amazing :)
I'm so happy that you're doing something that is truly making you happy:)

You're zest for life and passion for cupcakes and teacups is what makes you an amazing woman. I think more people should read your blog so they can get inspired by your story. Just remember one thing, you are an inspiration to many by telling them what you've gone through. You've already conquered half the battle, the other half is just smooth sailing.
I will pray for you and If I can help in anyway, pls don't hesitate to contacting me :)
I've been told that I'm a good listener!!

Kristine said...

You are an inspiration...and I salute you and pray that you live a long long life...your family is very lucky to have you and your friends are lucky to know you.

Anonymous said...

I'm fairly new here to your blog and want you to know that prayers go out to your and your family and may the Good Loard lay His healing hands upon you.

"Live your life from your heart. Share from your heart. And your story will touch and heal people's souls."
~Melody Beattie
I do think that your have truely followed what the above quote says.
I know you have touched my soul.

Unknown said...

These comments overwhelm me. This was a difficult post to write and publish but in doing so I have lightened my heart. Thank you.

Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

Hi Trish, you touched my heart today. Thank you for sharing. You are such an inspiration.
Have a wonderful weekend..xo Tami

genie said...

Your story is certainly an inspiration to all who read it. Now, when I am agonizing with my chronic back rot, I will think of you and put that smile back on my face. Take care and continue to live each day to the fullest...but I know you are already doing that. Thank you for having the courage to share your touching story with all of us this Saturday.

Wanda Lee said...

Dearest Trish,

What an excellant, heartwarming and truly inspiring post dearest Trish!.., You have moved me to tears dear one!

May I humbly mention also as an aside; My precious, very close friend Rose @ http://the is a survivor of three benign brain tumors; one a decade from her early twenties onward;(and also other serious, 'life and limb' theatening complications as well)..,

..,I have known her as a very close, dear friend for well over 35 years. She is a constant inspiration, as are you Trish. My new and dear fellow, blog friend!

Thanks so much for finding the courage to share this with all of us!

I am so delighted to hear that through the love of your family and friends, your tenacity, sparkle, love of life and the joys of blogging and cupcake artistry that you have found a respite and and outlet for your creativity as a therapeutic hobby! ~ Your blog and all that you is so beautiful!

P.S. ~ Reference last week's tea:
~ What darling graduation themed tea treats!
Such a charmingly pretty and fun tea party Trish! .., Congrats also to dear Sandi; Teatime magazine is indeed wonderfully pretty and oh-so inspiring!

You've outdone yourself once again.~ Utterly fabulous!..,

~(I was out of the office, after last weeks tea's for several days, so I'm much later getting by to visit than I would have preferred); yet I must say what pure delight it was to have you partake once again with TTTT and also with my 83rd, 'Tuesday Tea For Two'!..,
Thanks so very much for joining us!

God richly bless you and yours and keep you all during these very difficult and trying times Have a marvelous week!

Cheers and hugs from Wanda Lee
and also

P.S. ~ Can't wait to see your, 'May Mini Teapot Swap' treasures Trish!

Warm Heart Bears said...

Thank you for the information you have shared. I pray blessings upon you for the coming week!

♥ Miss Tea said...

I'm so touched by your courage and strenght to keep going for the people you love and who love you dearly, you inspire me, not only your talent for everything you made that are so beautiful but also your strenght, you will be in my prayers, may the Good Lord lay a healing hands on you and may you always be blessed with so much love and happiness from within and the people around you. Hugs Susan.


Sue said...

I just "happened" upon your blog today, and I'm so glad I did:) It's beautiful! May God bless you as you meet this difficult challenge. You have a wonderful attitude and positive perspective which will carry you through.
P.S. I like your playlist too:)

Jennifer said...


Thank you for sharing. I know it couldn't have been easy, but that just shows what a fighter and amazing woman you are. You are beautiful, inside and out, and I'm lucky to have found you in this vast and sometimes overwhelming world of the internet. Thank you for being you, for fighting daily for your beautiful family, and just for being you. Hugs. xx

Made By Gen said...

Looks great and pretty...Happy PF! Mine is up.

Anonymous said...

With tears in my eyes...I read your post...cause I know what a strong person you are and get up everyday go to work and then come home and spend every minute with your Sweet little girl and Awesome Husband...You are such a great example for those who havent been thru near as much you and have every excuse for why they cant work or ect...I LOVE your ambition..It reminds me of a quote I remind myself everyday..."Someone else has it worse"...So be happy for what we have...:)..You will pass this great example on to Sophia..Thanks for posting!!..Love Ya!! Tana T.



Unknown said...

A very moving heart felt emotional share, Trish. Yes, people can be so naive ... strength, love & faith can get anyone thru anything, if they truly believe. People are always telling me 'how good I look' & 'you don't look sick at all' ... but let me share with you, Crohn's Disease is a nasty uncaring disease also, as are all diseases.

What a beautiful share, I am so grateful to have read your post tonight before I quit posting notes today.

Prayers will lift for you to be totally healed, God bless you, sweet lady.

Have a lovely PS weekend ~

LV said...

I truly admire you for facing this dread disease as well as you are. You are a lovely lady to be going such trying times. I understand from my friends, that at times, the treatment is worse than the cause. May the good Lord continue to bless and give you strength to get through this. We never realize just how fortunate we are until you read a story like yours.

Paula said...

From Trisha's sister, Paula:
Thank you all for such beautiful supporting words and heartfelt admiration for my sister. I have been wiping away tear after tear reading all your comments and I wanted to say THANK YOU! I know how difficult this was for her to post. This is her little bit of escape daily. It's what she loves to do, it's what builds the courage to keep up her sassy and sometimes outrageous behavior! Which I personally love!
Thank you to all of you!

Entertaining Women said...

My first visit to you post...linking through Seasonal Sundays. I wish that I could hold you long enough to make the pain go away...but I know that I can' I will hold you instead in prayer. One of my favorite scriptures: "God will comfort me and in turn use me to comfort others."(2 Corinthians 1:4)....I have a feeling that God has indeed comforted you in the midst of your trial because He is definitely using you to comfort others through your openess in your post. Thank you for reaching out to so many. Cherry Kay

Maggie said...

Hi Trisha,
visiting you for the first time today from Seasonal Sundays with the Tablescaper.
Your strength and fortitude are an inspiration to us all.


Susan Freeman said...

Hi Trisha! So very nice to meet you. I admire your strength and conviction. You just keep fighting and my prayers will now be with you. I am your newest follower!

Lots of love and blessings,
Susan and Bentley

The Tablescaper said...

What an amazing post. I am honored to have it be a part of Seasonal Sundays. Your strength is amazing. May God bless you and your family.

- The Tablescaper

Unknown said...

Sending you love and good thoughts. We lost my most beloved grandmother to brain cancer many years ago.

Snap said...

Beautiful post, Trish. Thank you for sharing with us. My husband lost his fight with cancer in February. When one member of the family has cancer the whole family does. Thank you for the Campbell quote: As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm....
It is not as wide as you think. I needed that! The cupcakes look divine!

Jacqueline said...

Trisha, so nice to meet you from Seasonal Sundays. You are inspirational - I am glad you are spicy and feisty and have a fighting spirit. Keep that up! Your family is worth the fight.

Unfortunately in our neighborhood (an old orchard) we have 3 people who have had brain tumors, 2 who developed them in their 20s and one in his 50's. I am sure it is from the spray they used to use. They are all fighting and doing pretty well I am happy to say! Keep up the fight.

I love your cupcakes. Where do you get the luster spray? I have only seen the powder.

Anonymous said...

From Your Mom...Oh My Dearest Trisha...I returned from a small weekend adventure and checked in with my Little Cupcake Queen...You touch the lives of many with your strength & wisdom. When you speak from your heart & say the words your soul has only dared to whisper that is when maracles happen. You are truly MY VERY OWN PERSONAL MIRACLE. I marvel AT YOU. Always remember to wake up each morning with the thought that someting wonderful is about to happen because life is full of wondreous surprises. Always know I Love You From The Depths of My Heart & Soul...Mom

Poppy @ With a Dash of Color said...

Thank you Trisha for sharing this beautiful,heartwarming post with us and taking the time to visit me. I'm getting emotional as I read and type this.... I admire your fighting spirit, your courage,your mental strength and above all your willingness to enjoy life despite everything... and how you are enjoying, sharing,and pursuing things that brings you pleasure and living life every minute. Power of the mind is such a wonderful thing it can change destiny and perform miracles!You are so beautiful inside as well as outside and have a beautiful family who support and love you so much.My prayers for you. I love your dainty tea cups and thank you so much for your sweet comment. Hugs!~Poppy

Angela McRae said...

What an inspiring post! So thrilled to hear of your great attitude ... and even more impressed that you are sharing it with readers! Hurrah for YOU!

Notes from the Homestead said...

I am always humbled by your never ending strength, courage, sense of humor, fantastic quick wit and your beautiful, beautiful heart Trisha! You are a part of my heart as well, and I know that I am a better person having met you! Thank you for sharing this post, I know you are a fighter and know this too..... you are meant to follow your bliss, keep on going, keep on believing!
Much love!!

Kathy said...

Hello Trisha,
Just catching up with blogging - you are quite an inspiration - I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog and you participating in A Return to Loveliness! I appreciate you sharing what you are going through and fighting for - will certainly pray for you - I have gone through some life changing battles in life - but not my health - so glad you've become a blogger to share your sweet talent and spirit -
Hugs and God Bless,

Cheerful said...

i was just here to visit you late from PF but that end up admiring you and touched by everything you've're such an inspiration and great woman! i will defintely coming back to your site and your newest follower! you're a great person and God will bless you with great, long, and wonderful life! have a great day!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Keep on fighting. What a tremendous post this is. Love your teacup analogy. My mother-in-love always used to say it was all in the attitude, and I should add in this case, that she was also a head nurse in the Intensive Care Unit, (and every department over the decades.) She really saw what made a difference. God bless you. Sending prayers for you.

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